Friday, July 31, 2009


I forgot to weigh in yesterday...where did this week go? Oh yeah school started for the kiddos.
I will try to remember to do it tomorrow.


So I guess I miscalculated. I am actually down 2 pounds this week. I do hope you'll forgive my happy dance!!!

Thursday Weigh In

Yesterday was my official weigh in day....but I missed it. I am down another pound. I hope this trend continues. I do still struggle with my eating habits and cravings. I do think I am doing better with my choice making then I was 3 weeks ago....thank goodness!! Keep it up girls. It won't be long and we will have lost enough weight to make a healthy sized person!!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Thursday Weigh-In

WOW! I just realized I have not been on here for a few days! What a sorry excuse for a leader I am...Ha! :)

Starting Weight 174.5

Week 1---164.8
Week 2---164.2
Week 3---161.7
Week 4---160.4

Total Weight Loss 14.1 pounds

Ok, this week was PMS week for me and I have to tell you guys I battled cravings like nobody's business! Some I resisted some I did not. ;)

Today starts a new week for me and I have a goal in mind that I want to reach by next weigh in. I need to be diligent in eating the RIGHT kinds of food. I am still watching my portions but ate many of the wrong kinds of food this week.

Exercise is still going okay and am enjoying the time I get to myself during those times of the day I am at the track.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Weigh In Wednesday

Well, I am in Oklahoma. I leave on my work trip at 4am. (head to the airport, anyway) I am tired. And I've had a headache for 2 days.

But, I am still staying strong.

I am headed to Wal-Mart so I can get something that I can throw in my suitcase for snacks and to avoid airport food. I hope I can find something good.

Week One......down 4lbs.
Week Two.....maintaining.
Week Three....down 4.2lbs.
Week Four.....down 2.4lbs.

For a total of 10.6 lbs!!!!

WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!

I am still walking, but it's been raining a bunch, which prevents me from walking. So, I can only do what I can do!

I hope everyone is still doing well!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


is aggrevated with my camera. keeps acting up. My goal for tonight is to eat something healthy and good and no snacks.

Can you say "Roller Coaster?"

I just had to laugh this morning when I stepped on the scales (well I guess that's always better than crying, right?!?). My initial weigh in was 198 lbs
week 1 I lost 2.2 lbs
week 2 I gained 2.2 lbs
week 3 I lost 2.2 lbs

I think I may have fallen into the twilight zone somewhere along the way. I definitely need to bump up the intensity of my workout this week so I can get over the hump and lose additional weight this week. LOL!!! As I told's time to break new ground this week.

Good luck to everyone!!! Let's keep those numbers steadily going down on the scale!! We can do it girls!!

Weigh In - Friday

I didn't post on Friday because I've been feeling sick, but I did weigh myself and I'm down 2 lbs. I have concentrated on cutting back on my portions and even though I feel hungry it's the only way I'm going to lose the weight. Because I've been feeling sick I think this has attributed to the weight loss. I wouldn't be surprised if I pop back up again. I'm not feeling discouraged and will keep plugging away. I found putting Crystal Light in my water helps. It's worth it to get all the water in that you need.

So, I started at 170 lbs. and I've lost 5 lbs. in total now, but I'd like to see if the weight stays off or if this is just a blip because of feeling sick.

Because of my physical disabilities my ability to exercise is severaly limited which doesn't help at all!

Good luck to everyone!

This Weeks Goal

I need to up the exercise and and the water. I do ok M-W-F but I need to try harder on T-TH. Go figure. I am excited to see so many losing pounds. For those who aren't....keep at it. If nothing else, you are beginning a healthier lifestyle.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Well, I figured it out! I found something that will give me a little more motivation to get in more exercise: my pedometer! It's one I got for free from a cereal box or something. Still, it counts my movements faithfully. All week, I've being wearing it and keeping track of my steps. My goal is to top myself each day. Here is what I got:

Monday - 3,532 (but I didn't put it on until mid-morning, when I found it)
Tuesday - 5,978
Wednesday - 6,439
Thursday - 7,000 (an approximation because the darn thing got reset TWICE during the day)
Friday - 6,842 (I was tempted to run up and down the hallway a few times before going to bed...)
Saturday - 9,812 (WOOT!)

And the results? Lost a pound! That brings me to two pounds (I'll be emailing that picture soon, Dana!). Not much but hey, I am taking whatever I can get at this point!

Do you use a pedometer?
OK- I did good exercising through the weekend, but I lost it on the water intake. This week is very busy for me so my focus is on not cutting the exercise due to busy days (which is usually the first to go for me) and start to keep track of my water intake!

Weigh in Mondsy

NO change. Still at 135. I am very fustrated.

weigh in day ...

no weight lost, but i am still 136. so that's a good thing. my goal for the week is to drink way more water. and especially to drink at least 32 ounces before each meal - to fill my tummy up so i don't eat as much food. GOOD LUCK to everyone!!

Monday, Monday~

Everyone post their goals for this week. What will YOU be working on this week for a healthier YOU! :)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Hopefully It Pays off

Dana, you have me on a running kick now!! I got up this morning, put Hunter in the stroller and went for a jog. I only lasted twenty minutes but I got a good workout. I didn't realize how much of a workout it would be, pushing a stroller with a 30 pound kid in it.
Then we went to Out of Africa to see all the animals. We did allot of walking and drinking water. I drank so much water, I feel water logged!!! I love the summertime, all the fun activies are exercise in disguise!!
Dana you are doing such a good job leading us all down the path of a healthier lifestyle. I truly appriciate the time you take to help others and inspire goodness in us all.

Friday Weigh In

I am down 3 pounds from last week! Add that to my 6 from last week and it is a total of 9 pounds! I was a bit worried this week, because I ate a couple of items that I shouldn't have. I am also proud, because yesterday, I added another mile to my morning walk! Good luck everyone and have a fantastic weekend!

On Hiatus

So, I haven't posted in, well, FOREVER. I have been so busy and consumed with preparing for my Open House next weekend, that I can't focus on anything else. I have been making jewerly like a mad woman and staying up late and then when 6am comes I can barely open my eyes. Once I do get up, I photograph and edit what I worked on the night before. It's a crazy cycle.

I have been trying to do some type of exercise and watch what I eat and I have forced myself to stay out of the kitchen for late night snacks. Once my OH is done with (next weekend) I am recommitting myself to get back on the wagon.

But I have been lurking on here to see how everyone is doing, and it's great that you guys are meeting your goals! I will be back to join you!!

Keep up the good work ladies!

Thursday, July 23, 2009


I was walking this morning and I started thinking about the emotional reasons of why I am heavy. It is very seldom about just food, in my opinion.

My comfort weight, before Grace, was about 155. I was decently happy there. After having Grace I ballooned up to 175. I had put on 20 pounds in 6 months. Some was from just being pregnant with her but some came on after I had her. I think I was trying to fill the empty hole that she left when she passed. I think I just ate whatever I wanted and however much of it that I wanted.

Being 155 was not exactly "prime target weight" healthy. And I think the reason I carried an extra 25 plus pounds was lack of exercise and good food choices. I sit at my work table a good portion of the day. There was not a lot of exercise happening on a regular basis. I got comfortable at that weight because in my mind it is not skinny but it is not real heavy either. But it IS too heavy for my height and frame and I need to push past that and get to a healthy weight.

So, what do you think your emotional reasons are for being heavier than you want to be?


So if you don't drink enough water; and you don't exercise; and you skip a few meals; and you have too many late night snacks guess what happens?!?
Yep I gained 1lb this week.
Instead of letting this totally derail me like it would in the past I am going to use this week to really inspire me.
Total weight loss: 2lbs
This week weight loss: 1lb gained


It's Thursday again. I must be building muscle. I can feel my body changing and toning....but the scale isn't moving. I am down one pound since last week....but that is probably water since I haven't had much today. I am a bit discouraged. I hope by building the muscle I am setting myself up for some serious fat burning. I suppose I am just impatient. It took me 10 years to put on this weight.....but I want it ALL gone in 3 weeks. hhhmmmm...Guess not. Well, a pound is a pound....I suppose.

My Thursday Weigh-In

Starting Weight 174.5

Week 1---164.8
Week 2---164.2
Week 3---161.7

Total weight loss 12.8 pounds

I learned something very interesting this week. The week that I lost only 1/2 pound and then most of this week I was skipping at least one meal per day,sometimes 2. On Tuesday of this week, I was walking out at the track thinking about why the scale was not moving. I was exercising twice per day. Eating very little food and what I did eat was half portions and snacking was non existent. It came into my head that I was not eating enough calories and that my body was not going to let go of the weight because it felt it was starving.
That day I ate all 3 meals and guess what, a pound and a half gone the next morning. Same with Wednesday, ate all 3 meals and more than a pound gone this morning.

So lesson learned for me. Eating carefully 3 meals per day is what brings about weight loss for me. I cannot skip meals and lose weight.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Great news to report!!!!

As of today's weigh in, I am down a total of 4.2lbs. this week!

Which makes a grand total of 8.2lbs. for the three weeks!

Thanks again for the motivation, Dana!!!!!!!

The next month will be hard.
I leave on Monday to go to Oklahoma.
We'll be staying with my in-laws part of the time, and she just doesn't get the whole diet thing. She is almost 80 and is a size 4. She's never been overweight.
I've already spoken to her about the diet needs.
Let's see if she supports or sabatoges.....

In addition, I'll be working 15 days of the trip.
I am a professional scrapbook designer and I travel to scrapbooking conventions and teach scrapbooking classes. But travel means, eating out, all the time.


Anyone have any strategies for this?

Good luck on your weight loss journey, everyone!
I wish you well....

Week One......down 4lbs.
Week Two.....maintaining.
Week Three....down 4.2lbs.

Total of 8.2lbs. GONE!


So I took Dana's " Go For A Run Challenge" and let me tell you, it was great. I had no idea I could jog for 15 minutes without stopping. I set the timer on the treadmill and I was off. I felt fantastic!! So this morning I woke up at 6 and took off for another jog. I jogged about 30 minutes. I did the jog, walk, jog thing, but I did it!! Thank you Dana for a great challenge and helping me get motivated again.
Wednesday Weigh in brougt no change. But, as I posted last week I knew this weekend wouldn't be a good one for weight loss focus. So far this week I have been exercising and need to keep with it and plan some healthy meals for all of us. The blueberries are ready for picking and that should bring some healthy snacking for the whole family.
Linda V

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well, shucks

I didn't post my weight loss yesterday for one simple reason: there wasn't any!


Since we've begun this challenge, I've lost one measly little pound! And that probably wasn't real weight loss; maybe I just wasn't wearing any makeup.

Help! I need to jump start this! What are your secrets?

kind of a weird question or two ...

i am currently attending classes to become a personal trainer and nutritionist. i have a few clients right now, but very few. so, what do you want in a personal trainer? what qualifications? what body type?

thanks so much - i know ... kind of random, but ...

Online Tips

I snagged a Prevention magazine while standing in line at the grocery store yesterday. It had some really good tips so I headed to their website today to check some out.

They have great exercises and recipes. Best of all... they offer a Profile account tracker thing. Basically, you enter exercise info, food info, body measurements, and it tracks all your daily "stuff". I'm giving it a try.

You might find a few new weight training tips...


I am so glad I finally lost some weight. 3 lbs..not much but I am super happy with it.

so i forgot to post yesterday

i still weigh 136. which is a bummer, but what can ya do, eh?

MY GOOD NEWS, however, is that i decided to try on a pair of shorts that i haven't worn in years. seriously years. they're a size 6. so i figured they'd never get past my thighs. guess what - they fit! not that i'd wear them out in public - they're tight and show my g line, every roll, and every lump ... BUT THEY FIT! that was really exciting to me. i danced and danced!!

i have worked out 5 times a week still - we did a 5 mile hike as a family on saturday when we were out camping. that was fun. i LOVE the ea active - do it a lot, along with the cardio workout that i designed (on the wii, of course). i upped my weight that i lift with yesterday and boy am i sore!!


You get what you get, don't pitch a fit....

those are the words of a wise 5 year old friend of mine. And that sums up my 2 week weigh in:

starting weight: 198 lbs
week 1 lost 2.2 lbs
week 2 gained back 2.2 lbs
current weight: 198 lbs

I must admit it has been an unusally stressful week. First I bought a new car, and that transaction did not go smoothly. (Do they ever?!?!) Then my sister's father-in-law passed away unexpectedly and our lives have been turned upside down. So much for exercise routines.

Does anyone else out there think that Satan really tries to steal your peace at every turn and tries to sabatoge anything you try to do to improve your health or do for yourself? But today is a new day and this is a new week and we shall be victorious in our battle for a healthier lifestyle!! Because we are here to support each other and we deserve it!!

~*~ Goal for Today ~*~

I challenge everyone to get out there and RUN! Even if it is just for 1 minute! See how long/far you can go without stopping. It feels SO good to be able to run/jog. They talk about getting that runner's high and I can personally attest to the fact that it is real.

I jogged 2 miles yesterday and I felt SO good when I was done!

Report here if you decide to take my challenge. :)

Whoo hoo!

I had a great workout last night. I feel good. Who cares what my weight is ~ I'm getting healthy. OK - I still care, but I'm going to focus on two major things versus the entire overall picture.
My goal:
  • Drink 70 ounces of water a day. (I read you should drink half your body weight in water. I've been getting 48 - 60 oz per day. Obviously that isn't enough.)
  • Exercise (in my heart rate zone) 5 days this week. (I bought a heart rate monitor and I plan to start using it. I found that I tend to workout above my zone which, from my understanding, is burning more of my sugar than my fat. When I burn sugar first or most, it does not take away the fat. Does anyone else have other information about heart rate training?)

One request....

Can anyone give me good breakfast ideas? I'm tired of eating eggs. I still fix french toast, pancakes, and waffles for my kids, but I'm eating one egg and fruit. It is getting old! Rev up my morning please! :)

Thanks for all of the support girls. I've been really appreciative of this group!

Monday, July 20, 2009

My Monday weigh in

Well I am pleased to report that I have lost one pound since last week.
I have a cousin visiting from CA and we made a mad one day dash to the Grand Canyon with her 9 year old, 6 year old and my 2 almost 3 year old. It was a fun day, filled with plenty of walking and chasing my son so he wouldn't get too close to the edge. (I was a silent wreck, filled with mom anxiety, fearing my little ball of energy would fall in the canyon!!)
I can feel my motivation starting to hit the dirt. I find myself making an exuse rather than going to the gym or even going on a walk. I would love to hear anyone's ideas on how they get back into motivation mode or even stay motivated. Thanks for the support, and keep up all the good work. Good job to all those ladies who have dropped the pounds to get closer to your goal!!!
Start weight 137
week 1-135
week 2-136
week 3-135

I Need Ideas, Please!

My family and I will be camping next weekend and I am afraid I could very easily sabotage everything I have done thus far! I am not worried about exercise, but I am concerned with my food choices. What types of camper friendly foods can I take to snack on other than the junky stuff we usually take? Thank you!

Happy Monday!!!!

This morning I convinced myself to get out of bed and run 5K.
My goal this week is to run M-W-F; Strength Train on T & S & Swim on TH.
Still working on drinking more water.

Thanks for all the support! Keep up the hard work girls!
We CAN do it!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Weight Loss, Gain, Loss, Gain, Gain...

Starting Weight: 144.8 (although I gave Dana a different weight because I started a program before I heard about her program...)

I had a 10 day goal of 138 pounds. I didn't make it.

Today, I'm at 142.8. My lowest weigh in was 140.6 (not on my official weigh in day).

Total loss: 2 pounds.

Does weight training help with fat loss? My belly, hips, and thighs have some serious flab on them. Does weight training increase weight while losing inches? My hubbie won't let me join a fitness center (says I have a treadmill and 27 pound twins to lift. He has a horrible sense of humor.) Any suggestions for working out at home ~ that does not involve dead lifting 27 pound wriggling 18 month old boys?
I actually like (kinda) the way my arms look (remember those 27 pound toddlers?). However, I still have what I call my teacher flab. The triceps area of my arms is still loose. How do I fix that?

Talk Me Off the Edge (Ledge?)

OK - Whatever. Edge, Ledge, etc. I'm Frustrated!
Someone please give me a good jump start boost.
I've been tracking everything that goes into my mouth.
I'm eating a balanced diet.
I cut out all soda and juice.
I limit carbs and sugar.
I watch portion size.
I don't feel deprived. (Meaning my cravings have subsided. Whoo hoo!)
I exercise.
My weight... has gone nowhere. It likes me. I should be thrilled. (yep, sarcasm.)
Help me, please.

FRIDAY - Weigh In

Starting weight 170 lbs.
Week 1 2 lbs.
Week 2 0 lb.
Week 3 1 lb.

Total 3 lbs.

Hi I am Linda V with just 4 lbs lost so far. This next week will take lots of focus as I have my birthday (yikes-50!) and my girls just keep thinking of food related ways to celebrate. I think we need to mix in other activities and not just keep mom eating all weekend! The BBQ Pork sandwiches look great!


Hi gals!

Will everyone please leave comment with your name and how much weight you have lost so far? I want to create a list to the right of the page with everyone's name and how much weight they have lost.


Friday Weigh In

I have lost a total of 6 pounds! I know I can do better with my eating and that is my goal for today through next Friday! Off for my walk before the kids get up! Keep going everyone...we CAN do this together!


Yesterday was my weigh-in and although I have yet to mail my pic to Dana and down another pound. That makes 4 so far. I am going to focus really hard now on drinking that blasted water and getting my veggies. Have a great weekend everyone....and keep moving!!!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

~*~ Goal for Friday ~*~

What is your goal for today?

Recipe for Friday

Barbecued Pork Sandwiches

Barbecued Pork Sandwiches


POINTS® Value: 5
Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 15 min
Cooking Time: 23 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Traditional "barbecue" cooks for hours. These savory sandwiches start with sautéed pork tenderloin so you can easily whip them up in minutes.


1 spray(s) cooking spray

1 pound(s) lean pork tenderloin, sliced 1/4-inch thick

1/2 tsp table salt, or to taste, divided

1/2 tsp black pepper, or to taste, divided

1 small onion(s), finely chopped

1 medium garlic clove(s), minced

15 oz canned tomato sauce

1 1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

4 medium reduced-calorie hamburger roll(s)


  • Coat a large nonstick skillet with cooking spray; set over medium-high heat. Add pork slices in a single layer and season with salt and pepper; brown 2 minutes per side. Do not crowd; cook in batches if necessary. Remove pork and set aside. Add onion and garlic to skillet; sauté over medium heat until tender, about 5 minutes.

  • Add tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, vinegar, 1/4 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of pepper to skillet; stir and simmer 1 minute. Add pork to skillet and spoon sauce over pork; cover and simmer 15 minutes.

  • Divide pork among 4 buns, top with sauce from skillet and serve. Yields 1 sandwich per servin
Hi Everyone: My weigh in day is actually tomorrow (Friday), but I haven't written anything on the blog for a few days. I want to congratulate everyone on the successes and (no failures!!!) just blips on the screen. At the moment I'm having health issues so although I am still focused on eating properly and I'm certainly drinking water I have to deal with other issues. I'm not giving up. My husband is also trying to lose weight, but no Dana he isn't looking for earrings! I've appreciated all the honesty and great tips that you've all offered up on the blog. It's great to know that there are a bunch of us with a common goal. It really makes a difference. I'll be back tomorrow to post my weight - I won't hold my breath, but it is what it is. Move those pounds....Maureen


Okay bravo to all you ladies for putting actual numbers up here.
This week I was down 2 more pounds.
That makes a 3 pound loss so far.
Slow and steady.

Product Recommendation

I am loving the SoBe Lifewater drinks.

They are 0 calories and are flavored with Erythritol instead of some of the other artificial sweeteners out there. They are also vitamin enhanced.

I am drinking Yumberry Pomegrante right this second and it is good! :)

Late Night Run

So I found myself very frustrated with my darling 3 1/2 yr old son last night at bedtime so instead of sitting and watching a movie with my Mother-in-law and eating ice cream.... I went for a 2 mile run around the neighborhood in the almost dark and got back at 9pm. I felt SO MUCH BETTER! It was so nice to vent and do something good for myself. And the best part is I am down about 2 pounds from last week..... awesome!!!!!

My Weigh-In

Starting Weight 174.5
Week 1---164.8
Week 2---164.2

Total Weight Loss 10.3 pounds

I am slightly perplexed on only losing 1/2 a pound this week. I wonder if my body went into freak out mode after losing nearly 10 pounds in one week?
Nevertheless, I will continue to walk 40 mins --1 hour twice per day. I will continue drinking water and watching my portions.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday Night Woes...

I'm not sure how much weight I gained today, but I bet it isn't pretty. Our child number 4 (2 in birth order) was adopted (by us!) today. So we celebrated with cinnamon rolls and cereal for breakfast, corn dogs and tater tots for lunch, and ice cream sandwich cake for post adoption celebration. I made grilled chicken and green beans for dinner, but still. Yuck. I actually feel blobby. I guess that is good though, it must mean my body is craving the healthy stuff. Got lots of water in though!

I weigh in on Thursday morning. Ugghhh.... small setback, but a worthwhile cause.

~*~ Goal for Thursday ~*~

What is YOUR goal for today? What will you do to get you closer to a healthy lifestyle?

Recipe for Thursday

Fresh Mozzarella and Tomato Paninis


POINTS® Value: 5
Servings: 2
Preparation Time: 10 min
Cooking Time: 4 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy
We give these sandwiches extra flavor by rubbing the bread with a cut garlic clove. Swap basil for the arugula if it's too peppery for your taste.


1 1/2 tsp red wine vinegar

1/2 tsp olive oil

1/4 tsp dried oregano

1/8 tsp table salt

1/8 tsp black pepper, freshly ground

4 oz Italian bread, cut into eight 1/2-inch-thick pieces

2 oz whole milk mozzarella cheese, fresh, thinly sliced

1 cup(s) arugula, baby leaves

1 medium plum tomato(es), cut into eight thin slices

4 spray(s) olive oil cooking spray

1 medium garlic clove(s), peeled and cut in half


  • Preheat outdoor grill (or grill pan or skillet).

  • In a small cup, stir together vinegar, oil, oregano, salt and pepper until blended. Brush mixture onto 1 side of each slice of bread.

  • To make each sandwich, layer 1/4 of cheese over brushed side of bread and then top with 2 tomato slices and 1/4 cup of arugula. Top with another slice of bread, brushed side down and then coat sandwiches with cooking spray. Repeat with remaining ingredients.

  • Grill, lightly pressing with a spatula from time to time, until bread is toasted and cheese melts, about 1 to 2 minutes per side; rub grilled bread with garlic clove. Yields 2 sandwiches per serving.

Weigh in and set back

My expectations for being involved with this wonderful group of people was
to drop some weight, get motivation, and some pretty rewards in the process.

Let me start by saying my first weigh in was on the 3rd.   198 lbs. :-(   (btw, be careful when
you take a picture of the scale.  There are reflections! ;-)  )   I intended to work out at least 4 days during the week and journal all of my food.  I was so good but then I hurt my back.  Sadly it has thrown be off my plan for the moment.   I am still journaling but it's difficult to do all of the working out I wanted to.   

I will move forward, weigh in on Fridays, journal my food, and exercise.  

You inspire me to get back on the horse and keep riding.  Thank you!


I am doing really well with drinking my water. Who knew drinking water would be so easy?!?
I am doing horrible at skipping meals. I think by the time I have found something for the kiddos to eat for lunch and get them all fed I just want out of the kitchen. But by the time dinner rolls around I am eating everything that doesn't move. Ugh.
So my goals for this week:
  1. Work much harder on not skipping meals
  2. Making healthy food choices

My weigh in day is tomorrow.

Well my weekly weigh in left me at the same. Down 4 lbs. from the first weigh in day, but after a long weekend away with friends (and away from exercise) I counted it successful. Now we are back home and back to as much routine as we have in summer and I need to pick myself up and exercise again. It really is helpful to me to click on this blog and feel that others are out there working and struggling with their weight just like me. My goal in all of this is to start feeling better-more energetic- which is great for me and will be great for my family.

Linda V

Emotional Eating

I am a victim of my own failure to find a positive outlet for my emotions. I sent my 19 year old son off for 2 years this morning. I am feeling a huge hole inside that is screaming to be filled with all things fried or swimming in sauce. Somehow I have to not let this derail the small success I have had over the last 2 weeks. Any suggestions for fighting that empty hole???

Wednesday's Goal

My goal for today is to make sure I get my exercise realize that it is an investment in myself, my health, my emotional well being and my attitude toward my family by de-stressing before I go home. I've let circumstances interfere with my routine these past two days instead of taking control of my environment, but not today...I will make time for myself. :) I am worth it!

Maintaining (well, sort of...)

Well, another Wednesday.....another Weigh-In.

And this week....I am the same.
Down a total of 4lbs. for the 2 weeks.

There is no shame in maintaining.
I am proof that you can eat what you want, if you exercise.

Why do I say this?

It's simple. A friend took me out to celebrate my birthday last Thursday.
We went to a post Italian restaurant and I ate bread, butter and buttery pasta.
As a result, I was again....spinning out of control.
For 3 days.
Ate the second 1/2 of my pasta for lunch on Friday.
Then, had a Quarter Pounder on Saturday with my kids from McD's.

And no exercise. Because....I felt raunchy from eating all that junk!

And then, I weighed. Um...yep, up almost 3 1/2 lbs.
(yep, that was almost the entire loss of last week!)

So, that yanked me into control.

I jumped right back on the diet and started walking again.

So.....just remember.....
if you struggle or fall


Good luck girls!!!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

~*~ Goal for Wednesday ~*~

Post your goal for Wednesday!
How is everyone doing? Are you staying motivated? :)

Here is Wednesday's Recipe

main meals

POINTS® Value: 6
Servings: 4
Preparation Time: 20 min
Cooking Time: 18 min
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
This is no ordinary grilled meal. We marinated the chicken in three citrus juices and coated the corn with an ancho chili-spiked oil for maximum flavor.


1 1/4 pound(s) uncooked boneless, skinless chicken breast

1/2 cup(s) tangerine juice, canned or fresh

2 tbsp fresh lemon juice, about half a lemon

1 tbsp fresh lime juice, about 1 lime

2 medium garlic clove(s), minced

1/2 tsp table salt

1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground

4 medium corn on the cob, in husk

1 tbsp olive oil

1 tsp butter

1 tbsp chili powder, ancho-variety

1/4 tsp table salt

1 spray(s) cooking spray

8 medium scallion(s), thick-variety


  • Slice chicken into 4 or 8 pieces. In a large bowl, mix together tangerine, lemon and lime juices, garlic, 1/2 teaspoon of salt and pepper; add chicken and marinate for a minimum of 10 minutes or up to overnight in refrigerator.

  • In a large pot filled with cold water, add unshucked ears of corn; soak for 10 minutes.

  • In a small microwavable bowl, combine oil, butter, chili powder and remaining 1/4 teaspoon of salt; microwave for about 15 seconds and stir to combine (or melt in a saucepan if you do not have a microwave). Remove corn from pot, pull back husk (be careful to leave husk attached to corn) and remove as much of silk as possible. Brush each piece of corn with about 1/2 teaspoon of oil mixture; cover corn with husk again.

  • Heat a grill to medium-high heat (or use an indoor grill pan). Grill corn, turning every few minutes, until husks are blackened and charred, about 15 to 17 minutes.

  • Off heat, coat grill rack with cooking spray. After corn cooks for about 8 minutes, add chicken and grill, flipping once, until chicken is cooked through, about 2 to 4 minutes per side.

  • After flipping chcken, place scallions in any remaining oil mixture from corn and toss to coat. Grill scallions in a grill saute pan or basket, using tongs to flip them occasionally, until soft and beginning to blacken in spots, about 2 to 4 minutes. Yields about 4 ounces of chicken, 1 ear of corn and 2 scallions per serving.

Monday, July 13, 2009

My Weekend and Weigh In

My weekend went great!! I was able to drive from AZ to Utah for a very short visit with family. I just have to say Thank you again to Aaron and Dana for always opening their home to me. I enjoyed my visit and got my Utah fix for another couple months!! Hope to see you all again SOON!!

Despite the 10 hour drive I was able to eat good and drink plenty of water. I packed a small ice box and filled it with lunchables, sugar snap peas, carrots, string cheese and pre cut apples. It definitely deterred me from wanting the candy and goodies each time we stopped. I also brought along jerky, nuts and a yummy trail mix. I packed my reusable water bottle and each time we stopped I would fill it up with water. The nice thing was, the water was free so I didn't spend allot of money along the way.

I didn't get to exercise as much as I wanted, but Dana took me to the high school near her home and I was able to walk. Although I am up a pound from last Monday, I know I ate good, I just lacked the exercise. I am proud I didn't get into the vacation mode, and completely blow it. I am interested to hear any good tips or advise for healthy travel.

First week weigh in

Well my goal for the first week was to lose five pounds, but I did not make it. I lost 2 lbs this week, which is definetly better than nothing. My goal for this week is to work a little bit harder and be a little bit more careful about what I eat and how much I exercise, hopefully I will be down a little more at weigh in next week. Good luck everyone!

Get back on track

I have slacked at posting here. I took a picture after week one, which was last week, but left on vacation and never sent it or posted. I am down 3 pounds and then left on vacation. The good news is I didn't gain, but I still have a long way to go. I was hoping that 1 week would yield better results. Any tips on how to move it along? I think I need to be better with the water. I am not so good at it.

Dana you are great inspiration. I need to make an effort to get up and read this blog each morning.

New Week

I did walk this morning with the sunrise and am planning on swimming this afternoon. Food has been planned for the week and I just need to stay focused! That seems to be my biggest challenge. What keeps you all focused?


Hi gals-

When you post your weekly weigh-in, PLEASE post how much weight you have lost for the week and how much you have lost to date. That will make it easier for me to figure out who I need to send goodies to.


First Week....

Well it was a success...I'm down 2.2 lbs. So my goals for today and this week are to keep plugging along one day at a time. Drinking my 72 ounces of water, getting in 35 minutes of cardio and making smart food choices....eating only when hungry!! I've still got a long way to go, but I'm down 31+ lbs since November.

Good luck to everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend!

weigh in day for me!!

i lost one pound ... well, 1 pound and 6 ounces, but who's counting, right? hahaha ... i am down to 137.1 pounds - so we're on our way!! yay!

my goal for today is to eat healthily throughout the day so that i can have a scoop of homemade orange sherbet tonight with my sweetheart. it is really, really YUMMY!!!! and actually, not too unhealthy either ...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

What is your workout soundtrack?

One week and I am down just one pound. Then again, this week was spent mostly in a van, traveling to Grand Tetons and Yellowstone with family. I thought surely those daily hikes would be worth something! Must be all the snacks in the car...

In an effort to get a little better about running on the treadmill, I'm thinking about updating my workout songs. Here are a couple of my favorites:

Faster Kill Pussycat by Oakenfold
Gives You Hell by All-American Rejects
Salome by U2
Hot and Cold by Katy Perry
Dirty Laundry by Don Henley
Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners
E-Pro by Beck
I Don't Care by Fall-out Boy

What songs get you moving when you want to give up?

Saturday, July 11, 2009


I plan to walk the track next to my house today. Atleast 2 miles. What do you do for exercise.

Friday, July 10, 2009

fruit for snacks

My goal for today was to eat fresh fruit for snacks instead fo junk food when I am hungry. So when my stomach was grouling, watermelon it was. I feel so much better. So my goal for hte rest of hte weekend is fruit. what about you.

Friday - Weigh In Day

I'm happy to report that I went from 170lbs. to 168 lbs. The body has not given those 2 lbs. up easily! I posted a beautiful yellow rose for all of us since I can't send everyone flowers for all their hard work. Keep drinking water, watch the caloric intake and I'm now going back to taking a breather and visualizing a leaner body. It at least makes you feel good and if you can see how you would eventually like to look we'll all make it! Have a wonderful week. Maureen
OK, so I FINALLY remembered to actually do my first weigh in.... I know... I'm lame. I'm not really a scale person because I usually just go by how my clothes feel so I'm trying to get used to things. I need to lose about 10 pounds but of course anything over that is even more awesome! This morning I am eating a grapefruit for breakfast and I went out to the garden before I left for work and picked a bunch of snap peas to add to my baby carrots for a snack today. I usually keep some low sugar instant oatmeal in my desk drawer and that is my usual breakfast but I had a grapefruit which I love. I am very good at drinking water at work but at home I'm horrible because I'm busy with kids and housework and I just forget. So my goal is to be much more diligent at home and drink lots of water!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Here is the water bottle I use..........I love it!
I am too lazy to use the screw top this flip top is perfect for me!
Thanks to Dana for the re-inspiration to drink more water!
My goal for today is to drink 80 oz. of water.

My Thursday Weigh-In

Starting Weight-- 174.5
Week 1--164.8

Down 9.7 pounds

So far, so good~
I am STILL not drinking enough water no matter how good my intentions are though. Does anyone have like a special container they drink their water from? Something I can just tote around with me wherever I go. I would love any recommendations~

This Makes Sense

So, I had my "physical" last week. The lovely doc did some blood work and has discovered that I have a slow thyroid. Now it makes sense why I have to move twice and often and eat half as much as my sisters just to maintain...while they lose weight. huh Maybe now I will see some results...if I keep working hard and drinking my water.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

CAUTION ~ Anger Alert

All I have to say about my weight today ~ dang Costco and their Lemon Cooler Cake. And fooey to my mom for introducing us.

Sorry for the foul language.

I am weak.

Wednesday Weigh In

Down 2.4 lbs..............I have been exercising a little more consistently!

Hopefully I can keep this up! Thanks for the support girls!


My goals for this week
  1. Stop skipping meals. I am horrible when it comes to eating breakfast. I need to take the time to eat something in the morning so I can make better lunch choices, not just fast and easy and usually not good for me.
  2. Move more.

I have done pretty good with drinking my water. I just have to be where there is a bathroom...ALL THE TIME!

Tomorrow is my weigh-in day.

good morning *sigh*

yesterday was my weigh in day ... i'm up 3 pounds. oh UGH. so now, i weigh 138. i am so sad. i know that sounds stupid ... but i've cried about it.

My Wednesday GOAL

Make good food choices and watch my portions!!!!

Newest Addition

Good morning Ladies,

My name is Jennifer and I am Maureen's daughter. I've been trying to lose some weight for a few months now so Mum thought this would be a great group for me to join. I recently lost 4lbs, however managed to gain 2 back already! Opps. I'm hoping that blogging with everyone will make me more accountable.

Good luck to everyone!


Good Morning,

I haven't been posting much on blog, but did loose 3.5 lbs this week! YEAH!!
I've recommitted to exercising and drinking water. (Which is hard since I'm a Diet Coke Addict). My goal for today would be to continue drinking more water!!

Have a wonderful day ladies and keep smiling!!


Woot! Woot!

Well, kids......

I'm down an entire 4lbs!
(it's working, it's working, it's working!)
And it's been hard work.
But, it's totally worth it!

How are you guys doing?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

~*~ Goal for Wednesday ~*~

What is one thing that you will do perfectly tomorrow to bring you closer to a healthy lifestyle and to losing weight?

I commit to drinking 80 oz of water. BLECH! :P

Wednesday Weigh-Ins... email me your pic!

Well, I'm back....

let's just say the weekend did not go as I had anticipated. Friday was supposed to be my weigh in day, but instead, they ended up putting my Mom in the hospital Thursday evening. She had a stroke 1 year ago tomorrow, and has some health issues from time to time, but foruntately everything turned out okay this time. After numerous tests, she was finally released back home. So much for all my wonderful plans. My weigh in day ended up being Monday...where I was up 2lbs (I'm sure from the limited choices of cafeteria food and no exercise options didn't help).

But this is a new week and today is a new day and due to the motivation I have received from reading all of your wonderfully inspiring notes, I am off to the gym right now to get in at least 30 minutes of cardio!!!
The holiday went great! I had a BBQ/swimming party. The kids enjoyed a day filled with water games and swimming in the kiddie pool. And of course the fireworks followed that evening. The adults even got a kick out of the water balloons. My husband was a hoot!! He snatched the entire basket of water balloons and bombed us all!! I was surprised when I got on the scale to find I had lost 2lbs. I guess all the running around really adds up when your not looking. My goal for today, a 30 minute cardio workout at the gym and 30 minutes of toning.


My goal for today is to fix pre-cook healthy meals and pack them in individual containers and then freeze them so I can just pop them out of the freezer and take them to work.

Water and Exercise

I go to an exercise class 3 days a week. On those days it seems easier to drink my 75 - 85 oz. of water. I am struggling to do that on my off days...I usually walk on those days...but I still don't get all the water I need. I have started to put lemon in my water jug and that has helped some. Today I need to remember to fill the jug and chug chug chug!! Oh and on top of that my veggie intake needs a boost. I'll be working towards those goals today and probably tomorrow.

I'm Back!

Well, I am back from my parents house, a day later, and I didn't eat badly but I didn't exercise AT ALL - except for walking around while shopping and dealing with two little kids (does that count?!).

Today might be a wash too, but I am going to try - Joey has school and then we are meeting up with some friends that are moving next week. Hmmm...maybe tonight if I don't collapse.

How did everyone do? I'm going to scroll down and catch up!

I weigh in tomorrow. Blah.

Monday, July 6, 2009

~*~ Goal for Tuesday ~*~

What is your goal for Tuesday?

Mine is to eat a low fat dinner with lots of fresh veggies and fruits with one lean meat.

Also, post your weigh in if you signed up for Tuesdays!

The Harest Thing About Dieting Is...

not eating the same foods as my family. I have 4 kids plus my nephews that live with me. It is important to me that they get a healthy meal. I cook three meals a day primarily from scratch. That is my choice. The hard thing this morning was watching the kids eat french toast while I ate 1 egg with celery. I cheated and put a 1tsp of shredded cheese on the top. How do you other moms balance different foods at meal times?
Today's Goal:
64 oz of water

I fill this bottle at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. At the end of the day I will have had 72 oz of water.

no straying from healthy eating plan

This is a magnet that I made for my fridge. It lists the healthy eating plan that I follow.

~*~ Goal for Today ~*~

Hi ladies!

So, how did everyone do over the holiday? Were you able to lose or at least maintain? :)

My goal for today is to add some sit ups and free weights to my exercise plan.

Tip for the Day:

Exercise is essential for weight loss

It's nothing new, but exercise is probably the most important predictor of whether you will succeed at long term weight loss and weight loss maintenance. In order for exercise to be helpful in weight loss, you should strive for a minimum of five 30 minute sessions per week. The good news is that recent research has shown that three 10 minute sessions in a day are as good as one 30 minute session. This helps many in combating the old "no time for exercise" excuse. Be certain to find something you enjoy. You'll be more apt to stick with it. Try walking with a friend, joining an intramural sports league, participating in outings with a group like The Sierra Club, or trying some classes at your local gym. Once you give exercise a chance, you will begin to enjoy its positive benefits on your psyche as well; you will literally become "hooked."

A new week

Okay the weekend caused me to be up two pounds, so I've got to get on track this week. Once again today I'm going to shoot for 75 oz. of water. Good luck ladies with all of your goals. I think I may try that lemon water trick. :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

After the Fourth!!!!

Hi Ladies:

I am up a pound today ;o(

Goal for today is to keep hydrated and moving. Plan to go on a hike with my "four legged" walking machines!

Tip, a great jump start to one's metabolism is to start your day with a warm 8 ounce glass of water with lemon. My friend tried this and kept her cravings controlled for the day. I will start tomorrow-- will pick up some lemons on the way home.

Need to really work on this weight loss, have an event in September......need to feel better asap!
Take care out there....

Thanks again Dana for getting us all motivated!!!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Grrr! I knew this day was going to be hard and it is. I have done pretty well this week, doing great with my water lately, but today has been hard. Darn Mom and her 4th of July decorated cupcakes!! LOL I can say that because she is sitting here with me while I write this. Back on tomorrow, and hopefully some execise too!

Fruits and Veggies Co-Op

We all know how important fresh fruits and veggies are. If you live in Arizona or parts of Utah, you can take part in Bountiful Baskets. It is a co-op where you pay $15 for a basket of fresh fruits and veggies. Here is link to the sight. Some places are weekly, others are bi-weekly. I love the produce that I get, and it is seriously cheaper than the grocery store. I have four kids who all eat tons of fruits. If you want more information on it - email me.
You also have the option to purchase bread at a discounted rate, as well as seasonal fruit by the case.
This is from my basket last month. The leaves down in front are fresh herbs. Thyme, basil, cilantro, parsley, and ... I didn't know what one of the herbs was.


I'm so glad to be joining this group! I have 15-20 pounds to lose. I've had these pounds for 15 years so I've grown rather tired of them. I'm excited to hear how you lovely ladies are losing your weight.
So far, I've cut out all diet sweeteners. I am a recovering Diet Coke addict. Yep, admittance is a beginning step. I've been Diet Coke free for 5 weeks. Does anyone know when the cravings cease? I drink primarily water and tea. My doctor suggested trying the Green Tea diet. It's not working very well for me. I'm up 3 pounds since I emailed my weight to Dana. What's up with that? Guess that puts me at the 20-25 pound weight loss marker now.
I'm looking forward to blogging with you girls!

Does anyone know of a good jump start for your metabolism or weight loss?

Friday, July 3, 2009


Hi, everyone, I'm new and a little late getting started. My weigh in day will be Saturday. I'm trying to lose at least 15 pounds that I've let creep on over the last couple of years. I do best when I eat a lower carb diet, not Atkins, but staying away from white sugar and white flour, sticking close to fruits, veggies and protein. If everyone doesn't mind I think I'd like to post what I eat each day and that way I'll be accountable. I know that I need to drink more water so that is my goal for tomorrow, since I know I'll be eating a little off plan since it's the 4th. Good luck ladies.

Dana, are you going to keep track of total pounds lost? I think that would be cool.


Water, Water Everywhere!

Wow! I never realized how difficult it is to drink SOOO much water! Normally we drink when we're thirsty which of course is too late because we're already dehydrated. You really have to make a conscious effort to drink that water and be close to the bathroom. I'm falling off the wagon for the weekend, but will do my best to be good. It's hard because my husband likes to go out on the weekends for brunch or lunch. Hope everyone has a good weekend and a Happy Fourth of July to all my friends in the U.S.A. Maureen

Motivated to Lose....on the road to somewhere:)

SO I'm smack dab in the middle of a humongous move from Boston to Salt Lake City somewhere (we still don't have a place yet) and have no idea how I'm going to do this program but I want to soooo bad!

There's little to no food in the house so we're eating out a lot...blah! The movers come in 2 days and then we'll be the road for about 4 days. Anyone have any great ideas of "car workouts" or "on the road"! I'm hoping when we stop that I can do some jumping jacks or something cardio and some abs, squats...that sort of thing.

My main issue is FOOD! I snack and crave sugar! It may be impossible on the road but once I'm stable I'm going to use whole wheat wraps instead of bread (I think it's healthier) and trying to drink more WATER, eat less sweets, and exercise. My goal is to lose 10 pounds by August 15th and total of 20 by Sept. 30th!

I'll try to do a weigh-in on Sunday (since my family took the camera camping while I'm stuck here packing). I don't have a scale but will borrow my neighbors when she's back from vacation Sunday.

YAHOO! We can do it girls! I also just bought the book "Making the Cut" by Jillian Michaels the trainer from Biggest Loser....I hope it's good! I'll let you know!

Jen M
I am posting because computer challenged me finally hit the point where I knew how to post!! So far a have been motivated to exercise each day- now need to work on enough water every and getting more than 1-2 vegies a day.

Good Start

Yesterday's goal of 4 - 20 oz. bottles of water was hard...but I made it. I have 32 oz. down already today. I'm going to try to drink the majority of it in the morning....3 potty trips in the middle of the night is unacceptable. :) I will try for more veggies today. I did pretty good staying out of the junk yesterday. I did throw a tea party for my little friends there was a little cake involved. Another day...another chance to be better. I deserve better....we all do.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today was a good day. We have a pool so I did a good workout in the pool, although that left me tired and HUNGRY! I've decided to prepare carrots, celery, radishes etc. so that they are sitting ready to eat in the fridge. Instead of reaching for chips, reach for fresh veggies or fruit. I drank a fair bit of water because it was so hot and I never drink cola beverages anyways.
I did get track of what I ate and was fairly happy except for the chicken wings at dinner. I did eat lots of salad. Hope everyone is doing well! Maureen

not a bad start...

Well, I stood strong yesterday and didn't cheat. Although, it was very, very hard when my kids were eating the Arby's Beef 'n Chedder and Curly Fries for dinner! (I had a meeting to be at, so it was a dinner on the run night.) I ate a salad at Arby's.

***TIP: When you eat salad, measure your dressing but still leave it on the side of your plate. Rather than pour it over your salad, use your fork and dip your tines of the fork into the dressing. This way you get flavor in every bite, but I never end up using the pre-measured portion up. (therefore, saving calories and fat!)***

I did go to bed feeling hungry. I don't know if that's good or bad. But, it was frustrating.

So far today, I've done better at drinking water and I've measured all portions. All in all, not doing too bad! Yay, me!

How's everyone else doing?

Getting a Late Start

I hate when "life" life gets in the way.  I feel like I'm getting a late start with weigh in day will be Fridays.  This  will hopefully keep me on track for the weekends.  :-) 

I'll post my starting weight tomorrow.

Thanks to all of you for this great support and fun way to move forward.


Todays Goal

Well this totally stinks! Yesterday I walked most of the day at the zoo, and drank all my water, despite that meaning MANY pit stops while we were there. Then last night I had a dental problem occur and now I am afraid to eat or drink anything until I get it taken care of later today. After it gets taken care of, I probably WON'T be able to eat anything for the rest of the day. That's not going to help boost the metabolism. Oh, well, tomorrow is a new day.

For all of you non water drinkers, Crystal Lite in your water helps, adding lemon to it so it tastes like something too. I use the Brita water system and carry around my Brita jug all day. I know I need to drink all of it twice to get all my water. You can put an 8 oz. cup by your sink, and every time you go to the sink, fill it and drink it. 8 oz. at a time isn't that much. Two big gulps and gone!! It really is the most important part of losing weight. Have a good day everyone!

Goals on many levels!

Well my first goal was to be able to post my goal!!! YEAH! Yes, I am one of the few people who do not know how to blog. Now that I have tackled that hurdle, continuing on my weight loss journey might not seem so intimidating. :) I started a healthier lifestyle November 27, 2008 and am now 33 lbs lighter and definetly more energetic. I still have about 66+ pounds to go, but I'm on my way. I'm not where I want to be, but I'm certainly not where I used to be.

My weigh in day is normally Thursday, but my husband had taken the sim card out of the camera and I couldn't find it this morning, so no photo today, so I'll have to weigh in tomorrow.

My goal for the day is the same as every day...make WISE choices, THINK before I put ANYTHING in my mouth, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, and walk 30 minutes each day.

Good luck everyone....we CAN and we WILL do this together!!!

My Weigh-In

I decided on Thursday mornings as my weigh in day. I stepped on the scale this morning and am down 2 pounds since Tuesday.

Starting Weight(6-30-09)---174.5
Week 1 (7-2-09)---172.5

**When YOU weigh in you do NOT need to write your weight. Just your loss...or gain(which will likely happen to us all at some point). ;)

Also, I need a starting weight and scale picture from each of you please. You can send it to!~

And my goal for today is water and 3 servings of veggies.


I did walk a mile yesterday...then ate a piece of my daughter's chocolate cake last night. Brilliant, huh? Today is a new day...with a beautiful sunrise shining on me as I walked again. My goal today is to eat properly! Good Luck, everyone.

The Scale is my Friend!!!

Good Morning! Unfortunately, yesterday was a bad day from a diet perspective. My poor dog is sick and was even sicker yesterday so I didn't pay much attention to myself. It was also Canada's 142nd Birthday and we did a little celebrating. However, I am back on track today - Thursdays will be my weigh in day and as I mentioned before I plan to start the day off right by eating breakfast. I intend to record what I eat for the day and will definitely have nothing to eat after dinner. Good luck to all.

For Today

The goal for me today is drinking more water. This has always been a struggle for me as I consider myself to be part camel and not need much more that a glass a day. I know it boosts metabolism and helps to flush toxins....yada yada yada.....but the constant peeing is not my favorite. But, I will try to drink 4 - 20 oz. bottles of icky H2O today. My next post will probably be from the potty. Good luck, my friends, good luck!!