Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Well, shucks

I didn't post my weight loss yesterday for one simple reason: there wasn't any!


Since we've begun this challenge, I've lost one measly little pound! And that probably wasn't real weight loss; maybe I just wasn't wearing any makeup.

Help! I need to jump start this! What are your secrets?


  1. It will happen for you, Jessica. I have been a fanatic about water and walking every morning. I get up early, before the family, and take that time to think about what I want, and how to get there. I also give myself pep talks...I know it sounds corny. I have eliminated overly processed foods as well. I plan meals for the week and try to stick to it. Keep moving and eat well...you can do this!

  2. Jessica you're one pound closer to your goal....you may not be where you want to be, but you aren't where you were! So take it one day at a time and focus on that moment and what you can do to change your life in that one moment. You are doing great so please don't get discouraged!! Keep drinking your water, and be sure to be intentional about moving around and getting some exercise. You'll soon see more dramatic results.

  3. I think cutting bread and cheese out my diet made a huge difference!
