Friday, July 24, 2009

Hopefully It Pays off

Dana, you have me on a running kick now!! I got up this morning, put Hunter in the stroller and went for a jog. I only lasted twenty minutes but I got a good workout. I didn't realize how much of a workout it would be, pushing a stroller with a 30 pound kid in it.
Then we went to Out of Africa to see all the animals. We did allot of walking and drinking water. I drank so much water, I feel water logged!!! I love the summertime, all the fun activies are exercise in disguise!!
Dana you are doing such a good job leading us all down the path of a healthier lifestyle. I truly appriciate the time you take to help others and inspire goodness in us all.


  1. I am discovering again how much I love to jog!
    I love the endorphin high you get. Plus I am high strung and always have tons of creative energy that I need to get rid of... jogging helps...LOL!

  2. OK Janell. If you live in Camp Verde, we have to get together. I need an exercise buddy.
