Saturday, September 26, 2009

Has it been a month since I have logged in?

Oh my goodness, it really has been! I cannot believe a month has gone by.... September has been a grab bag of insanity for me. I guess something needed to slide and it was keeping up with this blog and my weight loss efforts.

Since we are at the end of the challenge, I need all of you to report to me what I owe all of you for your FANTASTIC efforts! I really want to get your rewards to you. :)

Also, how many of you do I have that would be interested in taking on another 3 months for another 20 pounds? I won't be giving out jewelry as a reward this time but the weight loss will be it's own reward. :)

Please leave a comment under this post with what goodies are owed to you. I have not kept up with who has lost what so I really need everyone to just tell me flat out what is owed. :P

And great job to all of you for your efforts!

Thursday, September 24, 2009


I am stuck and getting frustrated...but not surprised. I haven't been drinking my water or moving nearly as much as I should. I will be done with the full time gig soon....hopefully I will be able to get back into the swing of it then. I hope you all are doing better than I am!!

Back in the Right Direction

Unfortunately, I am back in the right direction because my foot relapsed and more pain. The only plus side is that I am back to 12 lbs down. I am trying very hard to eat only the right things and I do think I have cut back, I just need to keep doing more.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

How Rude!

Well, it was bound to happen. I am up a pound this week. I have been working full time as an aid in the special ed department. I have been exhausted when I get home and just don't have the energy to fix anything low-fat. I haven't been able to drink all the water I have needed time for bathroom multiple breaks. So sadly, I am stuck at ten pounds lost. But on the bright side.... I HAVE LOST TEN POUNDS!!!! I will keep trying but man this is getting SO hard!!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Monday Weigh in on Thursday

I am rather excited about this weeks weigh in. I am down 4lbs for a total loss of 12lbs. This week has been crazy. I should have posted this monday, better late than never I suppose.

I miss running!

So I have sadly fallen off the wagon with my running lately. Last week I spent all my free time and spare energy prepping for Norah's first birthday and this week Alex started preschool so it's been a bit stressful. Instead of me being able to have my MWF after work running time, now I get to pick Alex up from school and have some Mommy-son time which I love.... but I miss running. The only time I am able to run is after I put the kids to bed.... which is that last thing I want to be doing because I have a bunch of other things to get done before bed. So, I have a problem and I need help! How can I find more time in my day to do everything I want to do???????

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Just Say No To Desperation

I was a little bummed about my lagging weight loss...then I remembered an old trick I used when I was younger, thinner, dumber, and still had my gall bladder.

So I tried a liquid diet.

NOT A GOOD IDEA! Sure, I lost a few pounds (seven, actually) but, oh my goodness, did I pay for it!

Learn from my mistakes, ladies! Just say "NO" to those impulse buys.

This Week weigh in

Well, I am close to holding from last week. Maybe because I can walk a little bit now I must be finding the kitchen more. I am up 1 lb from last week, but still down 11 lbs in total. Maybe more food or maybe a little less pain, I am not sure. I still would like to hit 15 (frankly more) so now I just need to keep focused.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Long time, no hear.....

Hey everyone!

I am SO PROUD of how everyone is doing!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!

August was nutty for me....I was traveling for both work and family visits. I covered 1700miles in the car and flew for my scrapbooking trips from Tulsa to Valley Forge, PA, then Tulsa to Greensboro, NC...drove to Charlotte and back to Greensboro, then flew back to Tulsa and managed to work 3 out of the 4 total weeks I was gone! CRAZY BUSY!

When I first left home, I realllllly tried to stay on diet. At first, I did well, but it wasn't long before the worrying about what others were feeding me began to take it's toll. My step-mom feed me good healthy foods. My mother-in-law tried....but she's size 4 and in her 70's and she just doesn't "get it." At her house, I survived on iceberg lettuce and boiled ham (4 oz. portions, the best I could estimate) and crystal light. It was hard. And after 3 weeks of this, I began to lose my fight.

Then, I came home and began the mad rush to get 3 kids back to school and started home pre-schooling the 4th! It's been very busy!

So, I haven't been on the scale in FOREVER and I jumped on this morning. According to that reading (which completely shocked me) I have lost a total of 15.2lbs. since we all started this journey!! YAY!!! (and Dana...I failed to take a picture because my camera battery is dead...Marinne started ballet class this week and I killed it there!) So, I will probably re-weigh on Wednesday (my normal weigh-in day) and take the picture. I'm not sure if it will remain or go up...but I travel again this week, so it will be hard because of that. Boo! :(

So, keep drinking your water. I am living proof that works!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Thursday Weigh In

It took me 2 weeks...but I am down another pound. This is getting harder. That, or I am not trying as hard. Probably some of both. I need to recommit and try again. I am working for the next couple weeks. How do you girls manage to work AND drink your water? I won't be able to run to the potty all day. Help!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Yeah! I was so glad to finally get a weigh in with 12 lbs lost. Probably due to the fact that on of my feet is very sore and I have not been feeling well because of it. Especially when I realize that the weight loss came with my off my feet all day and my husband doing all the cooking and housework. Sounds good, but I really am sick of being stuck on the sofa.
Linda V

Monday, September 7, 2009

Monday Weigh in

Well no change this week. still at 129lbs for a total of 8lbs lost.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Better Late Than Never

So, Thursday was a couple of days ago. I swear I was aware that it was Thursday...but my weigh in was so far from my mind. I am at a solid 191 still. No loss...but no gain. I will ramp up the cardio and water for the coming week. There has been SO much weight lost between all of us. Ladies....I am impressed. Well done.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Weigh In

Hi Everyone: I have dropped another 2 lbs. which makes for a total of 12 pounds lost in total. Unfortunately, I think much of the weight loss has been due to anxiety which is not a great way to lose weight. As I mentioned before, my breast cancer has returned and I will have a mastectomy. I had a bone scan yesterday, but have no results. My only hope is that it hasn't metastisized, but I will remain as positive as I can until I get the results. I think everyone is doing really well and as always I wish the best of luck losing the weight - Can you believe we have less than a month! Have a great weekend! Maureen

Thursday, September 3, 2009

This will be short & sweet because of problems with my foot I have been down for almost a week. This morning I thought I was down 10.5 lbs, but after getting the camera to get a picture it read down 9.5. Still, the 10 lb point must be getting close. I have the picture, but my sit up times are too short yet to post so I will send that later. Way to go everyone!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Monday Weigh in

I was so busy yesterday I wasn't able to post my loss for this week. So Here it is, only one day late.

Start 137
Week 1-135
Week 2-136
Week 3-135
Week 4-135
Week 5-131.5
Week 6-130.5
Week 7-130
Week 8-131.5
Week 9-129

8lbs lost so far. All of my clothes are hanging off me. I look like a blasted bag lady! Good problem to have though. I just keep pluggin' away at the gym, running when I can't get to the gym and eating good foods.
My goal is 130lbs. My numbers show I am there, but my scale is 7lbs off. I have to use it to show what I have lost each week. I actually started at 144lbs and I now I am down to 136lbs. When I started my weight loss journey I weighed in at 154lbs. I lost 10lbs before I started this new journey with all of you. I was at a Plateau and this challenge (Thank you Dana) gave me a good jump to get over it. The support has been great. Thank you to everyone.
Good luck to everyone on this home stretch to the end!! WE CAN DO IT!!!!

hi all!!

happy tuesday!

i forgot to post yesterday. my classes started, so mondays are a bit more hectic than they used to be ...

i had posted that i began this weight loss journey at a certain weight ... however, when i looked back at my track record (on the wii fit - i love that it keeps track of everything for you!), i started off higher ... so, dana, i'm not sure what you want me to do. here's my info so far ...

starting weight 139. weight as of yesterday, 132. i will get a pic tomorrow morning (i forgot this morning) and will e-mail it to you. so i've lost a mere 7 pounds. not too much, but at least it's a loss, right?

our 15th anniversary is tomorrow and we are doing a nice sushi dinner out tomorrow night ... then we're going away for a night on friday - so i'm not expecting a huge loss this week! *lol*

have a great week, everyone. thanks for the motivation!!