Tuesday, July 21, 2009

You get what you get, don't pitch a fit....

those are the words of a wise 5 year old friend of mine. And that sums up my 2 week weigh in:

starting weight: 198 lbs
week 1 lost 2.2 lbs
week 2 gained back 2.2 lbs
current weight: 198 lbs

I must admit it has been an unusally stressful week. First I bought a new car, and that transaction did not go smoothly. (Do they ever?!?!) Then my sister's father-in-law passed away unexpectedly and our lives have been turned upside down. So much for exercise routines.

Does anyone else out there think that Satan really tries to steal your peace at every turn and tries to sabatoge anything you try to do to improve your health or do for yourself? But today is a new day and this is a new week and we shall be victorious in our battle for a healthier lifestyle!! Because we are here to support each other and we deserve it!!


  1. Yes, I do think the he tries to sabotage our happiness as he wants us to be as miserable as he is.

    Today is a new day.This is a new week. And even if you lose nothing but are exercising and eating better, then you are a winner to me! :)

    Sorry about your family's loss Gena. ((HUG))

  2. Thank you Dana! You are so sweet...I wish you lived closer so I could meet you in person and have lunch with you sometime or go walking with you! You are such a blessing to so many of us!!

  3. Gena, I am sorry for your family's loss as well as the added stress in your life. You are right that today is a new day. Take a deep breathe, a nice brisk walk and focus on yourself for just a bit each day. You deserve it and can do this!

  4. Hang in there, Gena. You are so right about Satan. He is there to thwart us at every turn. Don't get discouraged. Just keep exercising and doing your part...the rest will take care of it's self. We do deserve to be healthy!! I am sorry to hear about your loss. ((hug))

  5. Oh darling, do I ever believe that Satan is out to get us! For years, I was skinny and took it for granted. Then, I was bombarded with a rough pregnancy/delivery, cancer, surgeries, hormone issues, and thyroid issues. I never prayed that God would restore my health or weight. I just figured it is what it is ~ God gives us challenges we can struggle through ~ but recently, my weight has spiraled out of control. I decided perhaps I should talk to God about it. I pray that God will give me motivation and energy to get my body in the shape He desires it to be. Then I pray that I will accept His plan for me.
    Your loss is tragic ~ I'm sorry. Your family will be in my prayers.
    Keep your spirits high my friend. You can do this!

  6. Thank you ladies!!! I don't know what I would do without your encouraging words.

  7. I'm so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you.
