Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Can you say "Roller Coaster?"

I just had to laugh this morning when I stepped on the scales (well I guess that's always better than crying, right?!?). My initial weigh in was 198 lbs
week 1 I lost 2.2 lbs
week 2 I gained 2.2 lbs
week 3 I lost 2.2 lbs

I think I may have fallen into the twilight zone somewhere along the way. I definitely need to bump up the intensity of my workout this week so I can get over the hump and lose additional weight this week. LOL!!! As I told Dana...it's time to break new ground this week.

Good luck to everyone!!! Let's keep those numbers steadily going down on the scale!! We can do it girls!!

1 comment:

  1. You are such an awesome lady Gena! Always positive and thoughtful. Glad you are on this journey with all of us!
