Thursday, July 2, 2009

Todays Goal

Well this totally stinks! Yesterday I walked most of the day at the zoo, and drank all my water, despite that meaning MANY pit stops while we were there. Then last night I had a dental problem occur and now I am afraid to eat or drink anything until I get it taken care of later today. After it gets taken care of, I probably WON'T be able to eat anything for the rest of the day. That's not going to help boost the metabolism. Oh, well, tomorrow is a new day.

For all of you non water drinkers, Crystal Lite in your water helps, adding lemon to it so it tastes like something too. I use the Brita water system and carry around my Brita jug all day. I know I need to drink all of it twice to get all my water. You can put an 8 oz. cup by your sink, and every time you go to the sink, fill it and drink it. 8 oz. at a time isn't that much. Two big gulps and gone!! It really is the most important part of losing weight. Have a good day everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I hope your dental problem gets remedied quickly! Good suggestions for the water. Thanks!
