Wednesday, July 22, 2009


So I took Dana's " Go For A Run Challenge" and let me tell you, it was great. I had no idea I could jog for 15 minutes without stopping. I set the timer on the treadmill and I was off. I felt fantastic!! So this morning I woke up at 6 and took off for another jog. I jogged about 30 minutes. I did the jog, walk, jog thing, but I did it!! Thank you Dana for a great challenge and helping me get motivated again.


  1. I am VERY VERY PROUD of you!!!! I am taking her up on the run challenge today since I had to visit a friend in the hospital after work yesterday and didn't get to work out after work. I'm still wondering who is going to be standing by with the oxygen?!?! LOL!!

  2. JANELL, that is TERRIFIC! Doesn't jogging/running feel SO good? I even love my sore leg and back muscles afterward...LOL! :)
