Thursday, August 13, 2009


It's Thursday again. Why does it always seem to be Thursday?? Oh well. I am down another pound. I am finding it easier to walk on my non-class days and I'm making a conscience effort to drink lots of water. I am no where near where I need to be with my food choices. I am still trying to fill a few holes I am feeling right now. Tomorrow will be 18 months since my Mom passed and that hole still has some jagged edges. Of course I miss my son. He left 29 days ago. He loves it and is doing well...but his Mama misses him dreadfully. So those are my issues this week. I'm trying not to make them into excuses. I'll just try to do better everyday. I am thankful for all who are so supportive and nice. It's good to have a place where we can be surrounded by women who get how hard this is. Thanks, Dana. Thanks to you all.


  1. Lori I think you are doing AWESOME! You have lost 6 lbs!!! And that is no small feat with the emotional issues you are dealing with! Obviously you are a tremendously strong woman of courage and strength and you should be very proud of yourself. As for me, I know that I am very proud of you! Keep up the good habits you've got going...drinking that water and keep walking, the eating choices will fall in line the more active you become. It's kinda like a jigsaw puzzle where all the pieces have to fit together so it isn't such a tremendous struggle ALL the time. :) You are doing GREAT!!!

  2. Gena is right Lori~ 6 pounds is FANTASTIC!!
    You seem to be doing just what you need to do. 1-2 pounds per week is a healthy recommended weight loss. Keep up the great work!

  3. Ditto to Gena and Dana. You are doing great. All will fall into place when it's time. Just hold your head up high and keep going.
