Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Don't you love a digital scale?!?

This week I lost a whopping .2oz!! LOL!!! Well, it's better than the roller coaster ride I was on where I normally would have gained back my 2.2 loss this week, so I'm happy...somewhat. I am disappointed that I am not requiring more of myself because I know I can do so much better. I've really been slacking on the eating and exercise and it is just a matter of getting my mind set to believe that I am worth the extra effort it requires to continue on this journey I started in November. I've just hit a lull and I've got to give myself a jump start to continue on. You are all such an inspiration and motivation to me and looking at the chart at the top of the page, I AM inspired by you all!!! No one can do this for me, I MUST do it for myself and I do want to be a healthier version of me! I do want to feel better! I do want to have more energy!! Okay...I had a great check up at the doctor's office today and my cholesterol is way down and everything looks no more excuses, right?!?! New day, new opportunity to get it right! So off we go!!!!! :)


  1. YOU GO ON WITH WITH YOUR BAD SELF!!!! You have a great attitude and with that you can do anything! Just stay focused and remember YOU ARE WORTH IT!!! Its ok to take time and focus in on what you need. Your doing a great job keep it up!!

  2. You CAN do this. You ARE worth it. You WILL beat the blahs. Keep trying. :)

  3. Hey, a loss is a loss, right?!?

    WTG Gena :)

  4. You can and will do this. You've inspired me and I know you can do the same for yourself. It's no fun not eating what we want, but if you can do this you will be so pleased with yourself! Keep going!
