Monday, July 13, 2009

My Weekend and Weigh In

My weekend went great!! I was able to drive from AZ to Utah for a very short visit with family. I just have to say Thank you again to Aaron and Dana for always opening their home to me. I enjoyed my visit and got my Utah fix for another couple months!! Hope to see you all again SOON!!

Despite the 10 hour drive I was able to eat good and drink plenty of water. I packed a small ice box and filled it with lunchables, sugar snap peas, carrots, string cheese and pre cut apples. It definitely deterred me from wanting the candy and goodies each time we stopped. I also brought along jerky, nuts and a yummy trail mix. I packed my reusable water bottle and each time we stopped I would fill it up with water. The nice thing was, the water was free so I didn't spend allot of money along the way.

I didn't get to exercise as much as I wanted, but Dana took me to the high school near her home and I was able to walk. Although I am up a pound from last Monday, I know I ate good, I just lacked the exercise. I am proud I didn't get into the vacation mode, and completely blow it. I am interested to hear any good tips or advise for healthy travel.


  1. You did great! Good job in planning and taking good snack foods for th trip!

  2. Fantastic dedication! It's hard travelling by car, but I can't think of anything you could have differently.

  3. I think only gaining 1 pound on vacation is phenomenal...LOL!

    You look great Janell!I meant to tell you that when you were here. :)

  4. Hey Janell! We traveled from AZ to UT this weekend too! Glad your trip was safe. What part of AZ are you from? We did the "no snacks in the car" routine to avoid potty stops. Seems to have worked. Good luck!
