Tuesday, July 21, 2009

~*~ Goal for Today ~*~

I challenge everyone to get out there and RUN! Even if it is just for 1 minute! See how long/far you can go without stopping. It feels SO good to be able to run/jog. They talk about getting that runner's high and I can personally attest to the fact that it is real.

I jogged 2 miles yesterday and I felt SO good when I was done!

Report here if you decide to take my challenge. :)


  1. Since I trust you....I will take your challenge. I have never been a runner. This should be interesting!!

  2. I will take your challenge....will you be standing by with oxygen?!?!? :)

  3. Dana, you are a force to be reckoned with!!! I definatley accept!!

  4. OK - how do I start?

    Do I jog or run?
