Saturday, September 12, 2009

Long time, no hear.....

Hey everyone!

I am SO PROUD of how everyone is doing!!! WAY TO GO!!!!!!!!!!

August was nutty for me....I was traveling for both work and family visits. I covered 1700miles in the car and flew for my scrapbooking trips from Tulsa to Valley Forge, PA, then Tulsa to Greensboro, NC...drove to Charlotte and back to Greensboro, then flew back to Tulsa and managed to work 3 out of the 4 total weeks I was gone! CRAZY BUSY!

When I first left home, I realllllly tried to stay on diet. At first, I did well, but it wasn't long before the worrying about what others were feeding me began to take it's toll. My step-mom feed me good healthy foods. My mother-in-law tried....but she's size 4 and in her 70's and she just doesn't "get it." At her house, I survived on iceberg lettuce and boiled ham (4 oz. portions, the best I could estimate) and crystal light. It was hard. And after 3 weeks of this, I began to lose my fight.

Then, I came home and began the mad rush to get 3 kids back to school and started home pre-schooling the 4th! It's been very busy!

So, I haven't been on the scale in FOREVER and I jumped on this morning. According to that reading (which completely shocked me) I have lost a total of 15.2lbs. since we all started this journey!! YAY!!! (and Dana...I failed to take a picture because my camera battery is dead...Marinne started ballet class this week and I killed it there!) So, I will probably re-weigh on Wednesday (my normal weigh-in day) and take the picture. I'm not sure if it will remain or go up...but I travel again this week, so it will be hard because of that. Boo! :(

So, keep drinking your water. I am living proof that works!


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