Thursday, August 6, 2009

My Thursday Weigh-In

Starting Weight 174.5
Week 1---164.8
Week 2---164.2
Week 3---161.7
Week 4---160.4
Week 5---157.8

Total Weight Loss 16.7 pounds

This week was a roller coaster ride for weight gain and weight loss. I was all over the scale this week. Luckily my exercise was consistent otherwise I would have had a positive weight gain this week...LOL! Weight loss+That Time of the Month=Fluctuations DELUXE!! :P

I did meet the goal I set for myself last week of getting into the 150's.Now will be the time I have to mentally play games with myself. I tend to stay real comfortable with my weight at this point. Sooo, I need to find ways to push myself beyond this point.

Anyone have any suggestions for me?


  1. Is there a store you LOVE?? Can you swing a gift card to that store if you get in the 140's?? I always do better with a tangible reward to work used to be food. Not a great reward when you are trying to lose weight. Tell you get to 149 and I'll make YOU a treat (non-edible of course). Sound good??

  2. I'm also a great believer in bribery! I will also send you a non-food treat if you hit 149 lbs.! Good luck and I know you can do it!

  3. Ohhh! I love surprises in the mail. :)
    This good motivation for me to get to the 140's!~

  4. I am soooooo proud of you and your consistent weight loss!!! You are such a good leader and role model for all of us!!! I have your next goodie ready to send you for your 15lb loss. Let's see....if you get down in the 140s, you get an extra special surprise!!!! Plus think about how good you will feel and how toned your body will be and how healthy you are getting! Congrats again on the weight loss....that's great!
